Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.大家好,我是主持人李莹亮。Coming up on today’s program.重点提要 - China issues measures to expand auto consumption, hints at extension of NEV purchase tax exemption;- Latest Beijing and Xi’an outbreaks are found to be caused by imported Omicron sub-variant BA.5. Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours 中国经济要闻China is looking to extend a tax exemption for new electric vehicles (NEVs) as part of efforts to encourage car purchases, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.The ministry, together with other 17 departments, unveiled measures to encourage trade-ins of older vehicles and support the second-hand market, as well as to promote the consumption of NEVs in rural areas.China will also actively support the construction of charging facilities in residential communities, parking lots, gas stations, highway service areas, passenger and freight hubs, and guide charging pile operating companies to appropriately lower charging service fees, according to the notice.Sheng Qiuping, China’s vice commercial minister, stressed at a Thursday press conference that with the epidemic effectively controlled and various policies applied, automobile consumption will continue to recover steadily and will play a positive role in stabilising the macroeconomy. He also noted the importance to facilitate the distribution of used cars, as the second-hand car market plays an important role in linking the whole life cycle of automobiles.Chinese central and local governments recently announced a series of automotive consumption stimulus packages to boost car demand, including a cut in the vehicle purchase tax to 5 percent from 10 percent, effective from June to December 2022, aiming to keep a key market growing as the broader economy slows.Some 1.92 million passenger cars were sold via retail channels in June, up 22 percent year on year and up 42 percent over May, initial statistics from the China Passenger Car Association showed on Wednesday. Wholesales of passenger cars topped 2.11 million units last month, up 37 percent year on year. Also, retail sales of NEVs could set a record high by nearing 500,000 units in June, the association estimated. 7月7日,商务部、国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、住房和城乡建设部等16部门联合印发的《关于搞活汽车流通 扩大汽车消费的若干措施》正式对外发布。《通知》提出鼓励金融机构在依法合规、风险可控的前提下,合理确定首付比例、贷款利率、还款期限,加大汽车消费信贷支持。有序发展汽车融资租赁,鼓励汽车生产企业、销售企业与融资租赁企业加强合作,增加金融服务供给。积极支持充电设施建设,加快推进居住社区、停车场、加油站、高速公路服务区、客货运枢纽等充电设施建设。《通知》显示有关部门支持新能源汽车消费,正研究免征新能源汽车车辆购置税政策到期后延期问题。此外,《通知》还强调要深入开展新能源汽车下乡活动,鼓励有条件的地方出台下乡支持政策,引导企业加大活动优惠力度,促进农村地区新能源汽车消费使用。7日,商务部副部长盛秋平在国新办发布会上表示,随着疫情得到有效控制和各项政策措施发力见效,汽车消费将持续回稳复苏,下半年汽车消费有望实现较快增长,为稳定宏观经济大盘发挥积极作用。另外,盛秋平在回应21世纪经济报道记者提问时表示,二手车是汽车全生命周期承上启下的重要一环。搞活二手车流通,能够盘活汽车存量,拉动新车消费增量,带动汽车后市场,对促进汽车梯次消费具有十分重要的作用。随着国家购置税政策的强势推出、疫情管控进一步放开,近期各级政府已经出台了一揽子提振经济、促进消费政策,对车市复苏有一定的促进作用,终端人气和成交均有提升。乘用车市场信息联席会7月6日数据显示,6月1-30日,全国乘用车市场零售192.6万辆,同比去年增长22%,较上月同期增长42%;全国乘用车厂商批发211.1万辆,同比去年增长37%,较上月增长33%。目前6月零售超强销量好于行业内对政策应有的走势预期,6月总体市场零售表现值得期待。根据乘联会月初预估销量,6月主力厂商的新能源车走势也是超高速增长,预计今年6月新能源车零售近50万,有可能创历史新高。Update on COVID-19疫情简报Gene sequencing tests show that the latest Beijing flare-up of 12 new cases detected is believed to be a cluster infection caused by imported Omicron subvariant BA.5.2. The strain discovered in Beijing and northwest China's Shaanxi province has led to strengthened anti-epidemic measures in those areas, in which the cases in Xi’an are the first discovery of the sub-variant on the Chinese mainland. 北京西安疫情均属奥密克戎BA.5.2:7月4日至6日15时,北京市累计报告12例新冠肺炎病毒感染者。市疾控中心实验室对7月5日通报的感染者1至3的标本进行基因测序,结果显示病毒均属于奥密克戎变异株BA.5.2分支。同时,据西安市疾控中心通报,此轮西安疫情病毒基因溯源显示,本次流行的变异株也为奥密克戎BA.5.2分支,这是中国内地首次通报发现奥密克戎BA.5本土病例。Moving on to regional highlights区域观察Construction of China's first commercial spacecraft launch site started Wednesday in Wenchang City, south China's island province of Hainan. As a major project of the Hainan free trade port construction, the Hainan commercial spacecraft launch site is committed to becoming world-class, market-oriented, and further improving the launching capability of China's commercial carrier rockets. 首个商业航天发射场在海南开工:海南商业航天发射场项目开工仪式7月6日在海南省文昌市举行,这是我国首个开工建设的商业航天发射场,将成为海南服务和融入航天强国战略的重大标志性项目。Next on industry and company news产业及公司新闻China's bulk commodity market continued to grow in June with stable expansion in supply and stocks, as the China Bulk Merchandise Index (CBMI) stood at 101.5 percent in June, up 0.2 percent to May and reaching a five-month high, according to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing on Tuesday. This marked the second consecutive month of CBMI growth after the figure rose above the boom-or-bust line of 100 percent in May. 6月大宗商品指数升创新高:由中国物流与采购联合会调查、发布的中国大宗商品指数(CBMI)7月5日发布,该指数6月份为101.5%,较上月上升0.2个百分点,指数两连升至近五个月以来的最高。The China retail prosperity index rebounded to the expansion zone in July, according to the China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC) on Wednesday. The index rose by 0.5 percentage points from the previous month to 50.2 percent in July. 7月中国零售业回升:中国商业联合会数据显示,7月份,中国零售业景气指数(CRPI)为50.2%,环比上涨0.5个百分点,重回扩张区间。China's space-themed tourism market is burgeoning following notable achievements in the space exploration program in recent years. According to a report published by Chinese tourism platform Qyer.com on Tuesday, 94.4 percent of surveyed tourists expressed interest in space-themed tourism products.航天旅游潜力大:7月5日,穷游网联合金昌火星1号基地共同发布《会玩的中国人:玩转航天旅游》大数据报告。数据显示,航天旅游受到了众多旅行者关注,94.4%的用户表示对航天旅游感兴趣。Tianqi Lithium is reported today to have priced its Hong Kong second listing at the top of a marketed range. The Shenzhen-listed lithium giant has raised about HK$13.5 billion after pricing its shares at HK$82 apiece. 天齐锂业预计筹集17亿:7月6日, 中国“锂王”天齐锂业将香港二次上市的价格定在指导区间高端——以每股82港元的价格发行,筹集资金约135亿港元(17亿美元),或成为今年规模最大的港股IPO项目。Tencent Holdings is discontinuing its game portal app WeGame, which hasn’t worked out as expected on mobile devices due to changes in its business strategy. The WeGame app will no longer be available from Sept. 8 and no further downloads or registration will be possible from July 15, it said on Tuesday. 腾讯掌上WeGame宣布停运:7月5日,腾讯官方游戏社区平台《掌上WeGame》宣布停止运营。 WeGame平台上的公告显示,由于业务发展策略变更,《掌上WeGame》产品于即日起停止新用户注册和直播打赏功能,并将于9月8日正式关闭服务器。China's Mia.Com, a mother and baby product platform once valued at over 10 billion yuan, will terminate its mobile application on Sept. 10 amid increasing competition with new e-commerce players. But its WeChat mini-program will remain active, it added. 蜜芽APP将下架:据报道,蜜芽在其官网发布消息称,公司将于2022年9月10日停止蜜芽APP服务。对此,蜜芽相关人员表示,即将关停的只是APP,蜜芽在天猫、抖音、快手以及微信小程序的店铺均正常运营。European aircraft manufacturer Airbus said Wednesday that it has been in close discussions with Chinese airlines, especially small and medium-sized carriers, for possible sales of its 100-to 150-seat, low-emission A220 aircraft, which are not yet in service in China. 空客在华力推窄体机:7日,空中客车中国公司举行空客A220飞机线上媒体说明会,对空客窄体机“新成员”──A220飞机进行详细推介,并重申长期参与中国市场的信心。截至今年5月,空客在中国内地运营的现役飞机数量超过2070架。Chinese automaker BYD has overtaken Tesla in sales of electric vehicles if hybrid cars that also burn fossil fuels were counted too. In the six months through June, the Shenzhen-based BYD sold 641,350 NEVs worldwide, representing a year-on-year increase of 315 percent, according to an exchange filing published on Sunday. 比亚迪登顶全球销冠:比亚迪超越特斯拉登顶全球销冠。7月3日,数据显示,1-6月比亚迪汽车累计销量为64.14万辆,特斯拉累计交付量为56.4万辆,二者差距近8万辆。Switching gears to financial news金融市场消息A record number of companies are rushing to submit applications for initial public offerings (IPOs) on China’s A-share market even as a rising number of others are withdrawing flotation plans. In the last week of June only, 247 companies submitted IPO applications, the highest weekly number on record. A total of 921 companies are now in line to raise money by selling shares in the two main boards and three startup-focused markets, while over 100 firms pulled out their IPO plans in the first half of the year. 6月底247家公司申报IPO:6月27日至7月1日,共计247家IPO申报记录,其中,沪市主板、深市主板、科创板、创业板、北交所分别有37、26、49、76、59家。目前IPO排队数量近千,但与此同时,主动撤回的IPO项目也在激增,上半年A股共102家撤回IPO申请。The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) slashed its daily short-term liquidity operation to 3 billion yuan this week, the smallest amount since January 2021. At this pace, it’s likely to remove more cash in the first five days of this month than it injected toward the end of June. It may indicate that China is moving toward normalising monetary policy as major global peers are forcefully raising interest rates. 央行连续3天“地量”逆回购:在7月1日开展100亿元7天期逆回购操作后,中国人民银行7月4日至7月6日开展了30亿元7天期逆回购操作,这也是自2021年1月27日以来最低逆回购操作规模。央行近日的逆回购操作,或指明后续货币政策将回归本轮局部疫情前的宽信用目标,操作模式也将从危机模式向常规模式切换。Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market股市收盘情况Chinese stocks ended higher on Thursday, as automakers jumped on fresh measures rolled out to spur car sales. By the close, the benchmark Shanghai Composite edged up 0.27 percent and the Shenzhen Component climbed 0.97 percent, with total turnover reaching 1 trillion yuan for 11 straight days. The Hang Seng Index closed 0.26 percent higher, while the TECH Index lost 0.45 percent.周四A股集体收涨。沪指涨0.27%,深成指涨0.97%,创业板指涨1.68%。当天,两市成交额10532亿元,连续第11个交易日破万亿。板块方面,整车、零部件、无人驾驶等汽车产业链全线爆发。港股恒生指数收涨0.26%,恒生科技指数收跌0.45%。Biz Word of the Day财经词汇划重点Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and tax policies to influence economic conditions, especially macroeconomic conditions, including aggregate demand for goods and services, employment, inflation, and economic growth. 货币政策是指中央银行为实现其特定的经济目标而采用的各种控制和调节货币供应量和信用量的方针、政策和措施的总称,其实质是国家对货币的供应根据不同时期的经济发展情况而采取“紧”、“松”或“适度”等不同的政策趋向。Executive Editor: Sonia YUEditor: LI YanxiaHost: Stephanie LIWriter: Stephanie LI, JIA Yuxiao, ZENG Libin, XIE KaishanSound Editor: JIA YuxiaoGraphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO YuanniProduced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.Presented by SFC编委: 于晓娜策划、编辑:李艳霞 播音:李莹亮撰稿:李莹亮、贾雨逍、曾丽镔、谢凯珊音频制作:贾雨逍设计:郑文静、廖苑妮21世纪经济报道海外部 制作南方财经全媒体集团 出品